Elder Flower Facial Toner

June brings fragrant elderflowers. These are some of my favorite flowers to craft with. They are beautiful in fresh flower arrangements, make excellent infused honey, syrups, glycerites, tinctures, facial care products, wines, soda’s, and a whole lot more!!!

Internally, Elderflowers work wonderfully at relieving a stuffy nose as they have an anti-catarrhal effect on mucous in the sinus canal. They are also a key player in reducing fevers, as they promote sweating. You want to reach for elderflowers when the fever is high and the person with the fever is irritable. Elderflowers work to lower the fever by cooling the system through perspiration. This herbal action is called relaxing diaphoretic.

Topically, they hydrate, balance, and tone the skin. You can wash your face with elderflower water, spritz with elderflower toner, or even do herbal facial steams with elderflowers. In this easy recipe, I am going to share with you how to make a witch hazel infused elderflower toner to leave your skin feeling refreshed and your complexion looking balanced!

Supplies needed:

  • 32 oz glass Mason Jar
  • enough fresh Elderflowers to fill the jar
  • enough witch hazel to completely cover the elderflowers (about 32 oz)
  • 4 tsp. of vegetable glycerin or 4 tsp. of aloe vera juice (optional for those with dry skin)

Yield = 32-37 oz of facial toner


  1. Fill the 32 oz. mason jar with fresh elderflowers
  2. Cover the elderflowers with witch hazel
  3. Cover with the lid and sit in a cool dark area for 7-14 days, shaking every few days.
  4. Strain the elderflowers and keep the infused liquid in another mason jar.
  5. If you tend to have drier skin, add 4 tsp. of vegetable glycerin (non-gmo coconut is best) or 4 tsp. of aloe vera juice.
  6. Fill a spray bottle with the toner and keep the overstock in a cool dark area. (You can also store the overstock in the refrigerator)

The overstock will stay good for 6-12 months.

You can tone your face 1-2 times daily with the elderflower facial toner. Just like other toners, you can use this after you wash and before you moisturize.

If you want to dive deeper into growing and making your own herbal remedies, follow the link HERE to enroll in our self paced online School.

About me
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Hello! My name is Stephanie Hein

I am a Plant Extrovert, Farmer, Herbalist, Teacher, Wild Wombyn, Mother and Daughter.

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