Rose Honey Recipe

Rose Honey

I don’t think I have ever met anyone who could pass by a Rose without smelling it. They have this ability to enliven our senses and help us to relax our shoulders a little more. Most of the time when I ask someone to share a Rose story with me, they always talk about an older woman or their Grandmother that wore a certain Rose perfume. I personally feel like the Rose is one of the Grandmother flowers, ready to give a big energetic hug to those that are feeling thorny. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention a bouquet of Roses for a Love !!!

Energetically, Rose lifts the heart and relaxes the mind, but this flower has also been used medicinally for a very long time. Wild Roses or Antique varieties are some of the most potent medicinals from the Rose patch. 

Rose Spotlight:

  • Slight sedative – inspires relaxation 
  • Antiseptic – Great for wound washing, bruises, and rashes
  • Support tonic for the Heart
  • Great support for Sore throats
  • Tannic- tighten and tones mucosal membranes …. Awesome for the skin!


Why Rose Honey?

Honey is a perfect menstruum for extracting properties in plants, especially leaves and flowers. Honey is already a natural girl scout in the home apothecary, as she is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Most of us already reach for honey when we have a sore throat, want to soothe an upset belly, or feel like we are coming down with a cold. So, it’s only wise to make super honey by infusing it with potent herbs. 

Rose Honey Recipe

  1. Fill a Mason jar ¾ full with fresh or dried wild or antique rose petals
  2. Cover completely with local unpasteurized honey. Leave about 1 inch of headspace at the top of the jar.
  3. Cover and sit in a dark cool area for 2 weeks. Turn the bottle upside down every day, to make sure the honey evenly infuses and covers the petals thoroughly.
  4. After 2 weeks, strain out the Roses, bottle, and label your infused honey. 
  5. This is shelf-stable and can be used to sweeten tea’s, in your baking, or even as a facial mask. 


I include Rose infused honey with my Mimosa Elixir to support joy and being. Mimosa is traditionally known as the “herbal prozac.” This formula of Mimosa and Rose really create a happy experience!

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*Always harvest from areas that are not sprayed with toxins.

About me
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Hello! My name is Stephanie Hein

I am a Plant Extrovert, Farmer, Herbalist, Teacher, Wild Wombyn, Mother and Daughter.

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